Friday, September 19, 2008

Spiritual Eyes

I never have truly attempted to grasp the presence of Satan's kingdom in this world until recently.  Last week I had the pleasure of having a needle injecting a drug into my eye in hopes of clearing up a retinal hemorrhage due to Cushing's Syndrome.  It wasn't very pleasant and I don't suggest it.  It ranks about eight out of ten on the creepy scale as compared to all of the medical procedures I have been through in the past few years.  I say all of this to say that the mind can go through some horrible times when faced with adversity.  I admit that over the last few months I have had to deal with quite a few attempts of the kingdom of satan in my thought life.  I know that God has and will always prove to be my healer, my provider, and my sustainer in everything I have and will ever go through.  I was taught this most of all by his provision in the form of my wonderful, amazing, and irreplaceable wife.  Nonetheless, the enemy still continues to throw everything he can at me.  

I am currently reading The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. After asking one of the godliest men I have ever known which books have truly challenged his thinking (in addition to the Bible of course) and his answer being this book, I decided to give it a try.  I must say that it has met my expectations and then some.  Lewis paints an extremely clear and articulate picture of what Satan and his demons are trying to accomplish today.  It covers all temptations and thoughts that we go through daily and lets us in on all of Satan's secrets by writing it from Screwtape's point of view.  Screwtape is the uncle of Wormwood, a demon in Satan's army sent to torment humans.  I found it so astonishing that it brings to light all of the traps the Enemy sets for us.  Whether it be lustful thoughts, legalism, idolatry, or any other temptation or lie that we deal with here on Earth, Lewis describes the spiritual battle we all fight twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.  

My suggestion for you is to prepare yourself and anticipate the battles that you will face, but more importantly how you will fight them.  If you don't prepare yourself with the battle armor from Ephesians 6, you will be trampled on by the Enemy.  Heed Paul's advice and realize that "The battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world power of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens" (Ephesians 6:12) and take up the battle armor of God!  Fight!  "Therefore, submit to God.  But resist the Devil, and he will flee from you" (james 4:7).  

I praise the Lord for what I have been through because of all He has taught me.  Paul said, "But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ" (Phillipians 3:7).  I feel like I can say something a bit different at this moment in my life:  "But what things I thought were loss to me, I now count gain in Christ."

Fight the good fight! Know the enemy and his tricks.  Look at the enemy through spiritual eyes.

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